
2021年10月28日—《FirstClassTrouble》是一款社交欺瞞型的派對遊戲,這代表與其他玩家的溝通交流乃是關鍵。然而不幸的是,這也意味著你不能相信任何人。情勢看似 ...,2023年12月21日—Aren'tyoutiredofotherresidents,whotakeforevertoexplaintheirdoorsymbol?Ihavethesolutiontogetthroughthedoorseasierand ...,FirstClassTroubleisapartygamewhereplayersmustworktogetherandagainsteachothertosurviveadisaster.Thegoalisto...

《First Class Trouble》AI叛變的求生指南

2021年10月28日 — 《First Class Trouble》是一款社交欺瞞型的派對遊戲,這代表與其他玩家的溝通交流乃是關鍵。然而不幸的是,這也意味著你不能相信任何人。情勢看似 ...

Steam 社群:

2023年12月21日 — Aren't you tired of other residents, who take forever to explain their door symbol? I have the solution to get through the doors easier and ...

First Class Trouble

First Class Trouble is a party game where players must work together and against each other to survive a disaster. The goal is to shut down a deadly A.I. of a luxury space cruise ship. Some players are impostors, secretly playing as human-looking killer r

《First Class Trouble》

立即到Epic Games Store 下載並遊玩《First Class Trouble》。查看可遊玩平台和價格!

First Class Trouble (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 泰文, 繁體 ...

此商品表示您可下載此遊戲的PS4™ 數位版及PS5™ 數位版。 First Class Trouble是個玩家們爲了生存得互相合作,同時也得對付其他人的團體合作游戲。

First Class Trouble

First Class Trouble是個玩家們爲了生存得互相合作,同時也得對付其他人的團體合作游戲。它的目的是關閉一艘奢侈宇宙游輪内的殺手人工智能。有些玩家是間諜,利用看起來像 ...

First Class Trouble on Steam

First Class Trouble is a party game where players must work together and against each other to survive a disaster. The goal is to shut down a deadly A.I. ...

First Class Trouble

First Class Trouble is an asymmetric multiplayer game that blends cooperation and deception as players try to figure out who they can trust as they fight to ...